The renaissance philosophy of man Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives

The renaissance philosophy of man Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives ed. by Ernst Cassirer; Paul Oskar Kristeller; John Herman Randall - VIII, 404 S

Francesco Petrarca: A self-portrait. The ascent of Mont Ventoux. On his own ignorance and that of many others. A disapproval of an unreasonable use of the discipline of dialectic. An Averroist visits Petrarca. Petrarca's aversion to Arab science. A request to take up the fight against Averroes.--Lorenzo Valla: Dialogue on free will.--Marsilio Ficino: Five questions concerning the mind.--Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: Oration on the dignity of man.--Pietro Pomponazzi: On the immortality of the soul.--Juan Luis Vives: A fable about man.--Selective bibliography (p. 397-400)


Philosophy, Medieval

Lasky collection


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