April galleons poems

Ashbery, John 1927-2017

April galleons poems by John Ashbery - vi, 97 p 24 cm - Elisabeth Sifton books .

Vetiver -- Riddle Me -- Morning Jitters -- A Snowball in Hell -- Dreams of Adulthood -- A Mood of Quiet Beauty -- When half the time they don't know themselves ... -- Adam Snow -- Forgotten Song -- Finnish Rhapsody -- Forgotten Sex -- Insane Decisions -- No i Don't Posture of Unease -- Alone in the Lumber Business -- Vaucanson -- Unreleased Movie -- Desguised Zenith -- Railroad Bridge -- October at the WIndow -- No Two Alike -- Amid Mounting Evidence -- Letters I Did or Did Not Get -- Frost -- Life as a Book That Has Been Put Down -- Too Happy, Happy Tree -- Song of the Windshield Wipers -- The Mouse -- Song: "Mostly Places ..." -- Sighs and Inhibitions -- Someone You Have Seen Before -- Ostensibly -- Becalmed on Strange Waters -- The Big Cloud -- Not a First -- Polite Distortions -- Fourth Prize -- Some Money -- Winter Weather Advisory -- Never to Get It Really Right -- Gorboduc -- The Romantic Entanglement -- Wet Are the Boards -- And Some Were Playing Cards, and Some Were Playing Dice -- Fall Pageant -- One Coat of Paint -- Offshore Breeze -- Savage Menace -- The Leopard and the Lemur -- By the Flooded Canal -- Bilking the Statues -- The Ice Storm -- April Galleons



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