Kloss, Robert, 1979-

The genocide house / Robert Kloss. - First edition. - pages cm

"In The genocide house-the American-maelstrom-the world-delirium- villages-slaughtered and burned-Cities eradicated-in atomic flame- young women lie-yearning-in valleys-incinerated- dying men-dream of war-murder-their-dreams of blood pooling-Their dreams-of bodies-posed-erotic- visions of flame-clouds atomic-rising and swallowing-cities-television screens-winking and shimmering-visions of flame-clouds-atomic- aged women-their recollections-sweltering- young men-languid-vile-licking-devouring-their humid minds-shimmer with-war-murder-dreams of blood-pooling-their bodies-posed-erotic-"--