U.S.-German bilateral dialogue "beyond the NATO Prague summit" ; conference report ed. by Christina V. Balis. Center for Strategic and International Studies - V, 74 S.

Serfaty, S.: Thinking about and beyond NATO. - S. 1-9 Inacker, M.: Preparing for enlargement : new members, new missions. - S. 11-14 O'Hanlon, M. E.: Building more European capacity for military operations. - S. 15-21 Thiele, R.: Preparing for action : commitment, transformation, capabilities. - S. 23-31 Newhouse, J.: Trappings of parity : NATO at 20. - S. 33-37 Pfaffernoschke, A.: Making room for Russia : how close is too close? - S. 39-44 Asmus, R. D.: Taking the Atlantic Alliance beyond Europe. - S. 45-52 Flanagan, S. J.: Adapting NATO for the 21st century. - S. 53-63 Becher, K.: Organizing NATO for the future. - S. 65-73

Serfaty, S.: Thinking about and beyond NATO. - S. 1-9 Inacker, M.: Preparing for enlargement : new members, new missions. - S. 11-14 O'Hanlon, M. E.: Building more European capacity for military operations. - S. 15-21 Thiele, R.: Preparing for action : commitment, transformation, capabilities. - S. 23-31 Newhouse, J.: Trappings of parity : NATO at 20. - S. 33-37 Pfaffernoschke, A.: Making room for Russia : how close is too close? - S. 39-44 Asmus, R. D.: Taking the Atlantic Alliance beyond Europe. - S. 45-52 Flanagan, S. J.: Adapting NATO for the 21st century. - S. 53-63 Becher, K.: Organizing NATO for the future. - S. 65-73


Internationale Organisation
Militärische Kooperation

Class of Spring 2010 Guest speaker