Jackson, Myles W. 1964-

The genealogy of a gene patents, HIV/AIDS, and race Myles W. Jackson - XII, 336 S. graph. Darst. MIT Press - Transformations: studies in the history of science and technology .

Includes bibliographical references and index

The CCR5 storyThe CCR5 patent(s) -- Gene patenting and the product-of-nature doctrine -- CCR5 and intellectual property law -- The European response to the CCR5 patent -- CCR5 and HIV/AIDS diagnostics and therapeutics -- Race, place, and pathogens -- Race, difference, and genes -- Epilogue: the end of an error?

9780262533782 paperback 9780262028660 hardcover : alk. paper


AIDS (Disease)
Continental Population Groups--genetics
HIV infections
Patents as Topic
Receptors, CCR5--genetics
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Continental Population Groups
HIV Infections

Class of Fall 2014 Bosch Fellow in Public Policy Fellow Marcus Bierich Distinguished Visitor Class of Spring 2023



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